Showcase: Liverpool Wilderness Society

Society Showcase

Student Showcase

Showcase: Liverpool Wilderness Society

We love our network of societies here at Hype Collective- and we always want to show them off. We collaborate with societies on behalf of our clients and the outcome is always exciting, creative, and beneficial for both brands and societies!

This week, we’re chatting to Liverpool Wilderness Society. We chatted to Victoria Simpson about why the club exists, the variety of members they have and what they’d do if they secured more funding…

The idea behind Liverpool Wilderness:

Liverpool Wilderness Society was founded in 2006 by a group of like minded students who wanted to cater for pre-hospital and wilderness medicine for the students of Liverpool.

Why are you different?

Our large and diverse member base is what makes us unique and gives us the edge on other societies out there. We attract members from all the surrounding universities in Liverpool, from a range of courses- healthcare, to lawyers, to even geographers. Our aim is to maintain a connection with members even once they transgress into the world of work. Many of our alumni even return to teach and support new starters each year.

As well as being an academic society, we are very much a social group that organises fun and inclusive opportunities to allow everyone to step away from the world of work. This makes Liverpool Wilderness Medicine a community that supports each other, not only through fostering knowledge of remote healthcare, but also via our mutual love to the great outdoors and having a good time. One week we can be teaching the basics of A to E assessment, the next we can be hiking up hills and chilling out at a climbing wall.

And what is your best achievement to date?

Our widespread appeal to all of our amazing society members has allowed us to build a solid foundation and confidence, with which we have been awarded the honour of hosting the National Student Wilderness Medicine Conference for the second time in five years. We’re pretty chuffed about that, and to us, it shows that we are prominent within the student wilderness community, and more importantly, trusted with the responsibility to put together such a large and important event

The option to play with £1,000- what would they do?

We would use the money to buy equipment which we could use not just for the conference, but for teaching beyond the conference at our fortnightly meetings and teaching sessions. We would like to purchase some new training kit for scenarios we run such as a rescue stretcher and a training mannequin which will allow us to create more realistic and hands on teaching through our society.

Liverpool Wilderness Society in 3 words:
